Submit a prayer request below and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives loving, compassionate attention. Please know we are here for you and that you are never alone.
“Beloved, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)
Your requests are received by our prayer team. During this time you are held in the Light of Truth whereby we see you as you truly are.
We forward your request to the Unity Movement’s prayer ministry, Silent Unity, where you are held in the healing light for an additional 30 days.
Note: If you wish to speak with Silent Unity, you may reach them at any time of the night or day by calling 1-800-669-7729.

The Prayer Chaplains are a volunteer ministry team devoted to service in the Unity Chicago community.
Prayer Chaplain Prayer Support Each Sunday
Prayer Chaplains are available to pray with you after each Sunday service.
Additional Prayer Support
Submit a prayer request below or call the church to request the prayer support of a Prayer Chaplain at any time.
Statement of Purpose
In prayer with community as Prayer Chaplains, we aspire to spark, heighten and hold awareness of the Divine inner light revealing Spirit’s love and joy for all.
Unity Chicago Prayer Chaplain’s Prayer for You
May you know
The pure joy of knowing Spirit unconditionally,
The awareness of and guidance from the still small voice within,
The wisdom and strength as a result of your choices,
And the loving presence of a helping hand,
or a trusted listening ear when needed.